Software licensing shouldn’t be confusing or keep you up at night.

Our team provides IT Departments and Procurement Teams with expert advice that transforms Software Asset Management practices, how you purchase software, and how you look at software audits.

We are your TOP SECRET weapon to beat software and cloud companies at their own game.

metrix data 360

Turn data-driven decisions into actionable insights.

Are you curious about how you can beat software and cloud vendors at their own game?

How to negotiate the best software contract?

Read our white paper on the top 10 negotiation tactics you can use today.

Afraid of software audits?

Get the software audit risk checklist to see if you are at risk.

Overspending on you Software Licenses or Subscriptions?

Get the top 10 list on how to save on software licenses and subscriptions.

Looking for Software Asset Management?

Get our free report on the top ITAM trends to watch for.

Does this sound like you?

You want to gain control over your software costs.

You lack the data you need to defend an audit or successfully negotiate a contract.

You purchase cloud and software contracts based on guesses and gut feelings of what you need.

You are not sure if you are buying too few licenses and are at risk of compliance audits or if you have bought too many licenses.

You’re afraid to negotiate with your vendors because you don’t have the information you need.

MetrixData 360 Overview

Our company specializes in Cost and License Optimization, offering comprehensive Software Asset Management (SAM) services across multiple vendors, including IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Adobe, VMware, and many more. Below is a breakdown of our service offerings:

Service Categories

Service Delivery Methods


Harness the Power of SLIM 360 for Microsoft 365 Optimization

Are you making the most of your Microsoft 365 licensing? With SLIM 360 from MetrixData 360, you can ensure that your organization utilizes its licenses effectively and efficiently.

See how our clients are transforming their Microsoft 365 management with SLIM 360:

“When we signed the EA we listened to what our Microsoft and reseller Reps told us we should buy. We never should have. We over-paid for 3 years. Money we will never get back. I was shocked when I saw the results. Almost 400 users that never used Office 365 at all. We thought everyone used email, but when we investigated we were shocked. Our field service reps never used a single Office 365 service. We were able to change the license we bought for them and save significant money.”

CIO of Fortune 500 Company

“If you asked me again, I’m still not sure I’d believe it. 1000 Users not using at least email! It was true, we had the data needed to investigate it. I was shocked to find not only Accounts that were not active or even humans that had licenses but that we also had a large population of employees in our distribution centers that didn’t even use a single Office 365 service”

IT Procurement Director

“Amazing is all I can say. With a few minutes’ effort to download reports out of our tenant, we received useful data that helped us find waste and reduced our costs by over $2M annually. We couldn’t have done this by ourselves.”

VP of Infrastructure

As featured in:

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Mike Austin

Mike Austin and MetrixData 360:

The authorities on Software and Cloud Cost Optimization.

Mike Austin is the founder of MetrixData 360 and an expert in software and cloud cost optimization. Over the course of a decade, he gained extensive experience in the software industry, where he negotiated contracts worth billions and earned numerous sales awards. He also played a key role in developing licensing programs and global sales strategies.

In 2008, during a challenging economic climate, Mike noticed a disconnect between his personal values and the industry practices, as customers struggled to cut costs and retain employees. This motivated him to assist clients in acquiring software at reasonable prices.

Recognizing a gap in the market for tools that provided critical data to help clients negotiate better deals, Mike developed SLIM 360. This Software Licensing Intelligence Manager empowers customers with the comprehensive data and insights needed to optimize software licensing and reduce costs effectively.

Here’s what our customers have to say:

US Healthcare Organization: $2.6M
Software renewal slashed to $1.5M

Take, for example, Mrs. G, a Procurement Professional with a large Healthcare Organization that we recently helped. She was asked to work on a contract renewal with a CRM software vendor that was valued at a whopping $2.6M.

After realizing this contract was looking slightly inflated, Mrs. G had a bad feeling about simply handing over the company credit card to this vendor. Before we helped her, she didn’t feel like she had the data to make proper decisions. But after, by bringing in the right team, she was able to shave over a million dollars off her contract renewal.

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Our learning center is regularly updated to bring you the absolute best information necessary to build your own Software Asset Management program. Get industry updates, insights into the software market, and usable information you can implement in your own Software Management strategies.

Start your journey.

Talking to one of our advisors is where your journey to sleeping at night and not worrying about your IT budget begins.