Your Office 365 license is critical for ensuring productivity for your business, but how can you be certain that your company is making the most out of the licenses they have when overspending on software is so common? Take control of your Office 365 licenses with MetrixData 360’s in-house Microsoft license optimization solution to identify waste and overspending in your Office 365 Subscriptions.
The SLIM 360 platform provides you with a comprehensive report that allows us to point out areas of waste and areas of overspending. One advantage of using our tool is that we do not interact with your software environment at all, you simply provide us with key usage reports from your Office 365 Admin Portal and we upload it into our tool. We’ll be able to tell you how many users have been assigned a license, the last time they used their account, how many blocked users you have, Service Account users, and what the total cost for each product is for your company. In this way, we can provide you with useful feedback on where you can cut costs and where your company is experiencing great value.
Typically, we have found that customers who enter into an engagement with us have roughly 30% of their Office 365 environment comprised of wasted or underutilized resources.
Multiple subscriptions for Office 365 can be accidentally repurchased over time, especially when you have automation in place to manage (assign/unassign) your company’s subscriptions. This can prove to be a quiet drain on the IT budget.
Sometimes having a blocked user with a subscription assigned is intentional, but other times the customer is unaware that these blocked accounts are consuming licenses and costing them money. Reducing the number of licenses for blocked users can prove to be a useful cost saving tactic.
If an account has not been active in 90 days or longer, it usually means one of two things: either the account has been retired (or at least attempted to be) or it simply belongs to a user who doesn’t need the subscription. Either cases justify the removal of the license.
Having a strong understanding of the software and its usage in your environment will let you know exactly what you need and don’t need in your next software contract negotiation with Microsoft.
If you are interested in purchasing SLIM 360, you may also find the Active Directory Review equally as helpful as it will provide you with additional visibility for identifying and validating subscription requirements.
With an annual subscription you will be given the opportunity upload your Office 365 data and access the SLIM 360 platform as frequently as you desire. We will provide you with reviews and feedback monthly from our specialists in order to ensure you perpetual optimization and cost cutting recommendations. The annual subscription also includes trend reporting charts which will further validate cost control measures.
In this one-time service engagement, you will send us your reports and you will receive a report on your current Office 365 status and an analysis of your report by one of our top licensing specialists. We will identify areas of cost savings opportunities for you. This will be conveyed through a one-hour workshop. You will also be granted 30 days access to our customer portal.
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