Software Asset Management: Its Importance, Purpose, and How it Saves Money

Why Is Software Asset Management Important?

Whether you are fearing a software audit, dealing with contract negotiations with a software vendor or simply would like to save money on the software that you have deployed, software asset management can prove incredibly useful. 

It can save your company money, improve relationships with your vendor and allow you to effectively deploy new software into your system with the confidence in knowing that it is being well-handled. 

Software asset management can be confusing but that doesn’t prevent it from serving as a smart investment for any thriving business. At MetrixData360, we are experts at software asset management, and we will work with you to save your company money, for more information about Software Asset Management, check out our SAM Services page.

How to Save Money on Your Software Licensing

In times when businesses are looking to save money on software, you’ve probably heard about software asset management as an option but aren’t exactly sure what it is, which isn’t that’s surprising. While SAM can save your business thousands of dollars every year, it’s still not commonly known or understood. Because the MetrixData360 team deals with licensing compliance, software contract negotiations, and software optimization, we understand the value of SAM and how it can help save your business money. So what is SAM and why is it such a vital asset to your company?

What is Software Asset Management?

Software Asset Management (SAM) is a subset of IT Asset Management (ITAM), along with Hardware Asset Management (HAM). 

IT Asset Management deals with managing the lifecycle of technology assets to maximize their monetary value to the company. HAM deals with the physical elements of technology like desktops and servers, while SAM deals with the non-physical side of things, such as the software and their licenses. 

Software Asset Management ensures that a company is paying for what they’re using and optimizing the effectiveness of the software programs.  

Software Asset Management allows IT departments to effectively track software usage and maximize the value of software that has been deployed by tracking its usefulness throughout its lifecycle, until it is effectively retired.  

That may not sound essential and for many companies, Software Asset Management is generally ignored as a later day’s problem. This is because Software Asset Management does not deal with tangible things; it is easy to forget about and it is not often that other, more powerful departments interact with Software Asset Management. For that reason, it is commonly not given the attention that it needs  — until it’s too late.  

ITAM is usually prioritized since it handles exclusively what is considered high value systems, such as the databanks that enable a business to run effectively. If there’s a system’s issue that inhibits the in-flow of money, then it’s ITAM’s issue. Since ITAM has an immediate and apparent value, it is often given the highest priority within an IT department and it is also given the most attention when it comes to budgeting.  

For a more in-depth look into what SAM is in comparison to ITAM, check out our article ITAM vs. SAM

Software Asset Management as Risk Management

SAM can put you in a better position to manage risk through knowing which software vendors are supporting which products and which products or versions they are no longer supporting. 

Convincing the CFO that SAM is important can often prove the fruitless challenge of the CIO, but a necessary one nonetheless, since the CFO is often incorporated in the decision to deploy needed software. 

The CFO’s primary interest is in return-on-investments. For that reason, SAM is often seen as unimportant, since effective software asset management is nearly invisible in the day-to-day workings of a company.  

Good SAM means that nothing happens – your company is not given a few million dollars in penalties they have to pay out in a matter of weeks; you aren’t wasting copious amounts of money on software you don’t need; your department’s workday is not bogged down with useless hours spent chasing down pieces of data at the auditor’s requests; and business is allowed to just carry on as usual. 

It can seem like a useless expense when examined from that perspective, but as the old saying goes, if you’ve done it properly, no one will notice anything’s been done at all.  

However, software audits and SAM reviews can be expected from the top software vendors (Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and SAP) at least once a year, and the costs from a poorly conducted software audit can be staggering and are almost always unbudgeted for. SAM, therefore, should be viewed as a security investment, like hurricane shutters. You put them up hoping you’ll never have to use them, but you’ll be thankful that you did when a hurricane comes. 

Software Asset Management as a Money Saver

SAM can potentially save a large chunk of an already diminishing software budget. 

If the IT department at your company is already being asked to do more with less, they’d be quite interested to know that the average company overspends on their software licenses by 60% while still being under licensed by 30% in other areas. That’s a lot of wasted software budget while still running the risk of having to pay the software vendor even more money.  

SAM is how you level the playing field, as it can track where you are underspending and overspending by utilizing the types of data which will not even be brought up on the auditor’s data sheet during a software review. 

If you are overspending in certain areas, it’s unlikely the auditors will bring it up to you, what does it matter to them? They’re only getting paid to find where you’re underpaying. Getting money back on your usage will mean money back into your IT departments for further innovation.  

SAM can also cut down on soft expenses like maintenance, which can become quite costly if left unattended. Overspending with maintenance can take away from the overall value, but underspending on maintenance can lessen the quality of the software and its performance. Having a handle on the expenses around the software can be as important as the main licensing costs.  

Put Power Back in Your IT Department

Software Asset Management will also allow you to track the usage of the software you already have deployed in your system; it can show you when you are under licensed so that you can address these issues internally without even having to go through the painful process of an audit. 

You can work proactively instead of reactively to the auditor’s findings. 

It will give your IT department the facts they need to prove the usefulness or lack thereof for software currently in your system. With that data they will have the power to project future usage and effectively argue for the deployment of future software. With this knowledge your company can plan where it will go with its software development.

Optimize Your Software Licenses with Software Asset Management

Knowing what is in your system will mean that when you and the software vendors meet for a contract renewal, you will be meeting on equal grounds. Your software vendors already have a good understanding of your spending and where you’re overspending; if they know more about your data than you do, they can tip the negotiations into their favor.  

Many companies end up paying far more to software vendors than they need to because they lack an accurate picture of their software spending and usage. If you lack the data to know youre overspending by 60%, then the 20% discount offered by the vendor seems like a sweet deal, but in reality, you’re not even breaking even. 

Knowing your data will also mean that you will be able to accurately project how much software you will need in the renewed contract. Often companies take a guess at what they will consume, which is never a smart idea because you can either guess too high, which means you’re wasting money, or you can guess too low, which means that you will be exposing your company to a compliance gap in the next audit. 

Having a strong sense of your software usage will allow you to buy your contracts focused on your future spending, not based solely on what you bought in the past. Your company is growing, after all, and you want your SAM to reflect that. 

SAM Maturity: What It Is & How To Measure It

SAM Maturity Assessment: What Is It & How Is It Measured? 


We all have things we like to put off for as long as possible, such as laundry, unread emails, or getting back into jogging. For many companies, software asset management is treated the same way: exhausting and hopeless while constantly being put off until it is too late. But a mature SAM environment is far easier to maintain once it’s done, much like household chores. Taking the time now to understand SAM maturity can save you time and money in the long-run. 

First, understand that your Software Asset Management program takes time to mature. As with everything else, not being very good at something is the first step to mastering it. The same is true about your Software Asset Management; it takes time for your company to get organized and start being effective with your Software Asset Management. 

So, how can a SAM maturity assessment help to improve your SAM effectiveness?  

At MetrixData360, we know you’ll see better results if you have a firm understanding of Software Asset Management, so we’ve put together this outline that answers what the 5 stages of SAM maturity are and how to reach each milestone along your SAM journey.

What is SAM Maturity?

Having a mature SAM simply means that you are running an optimized SAM program< and you figure out just how mature your SAM process is by conducting a SAM Maturity Assessment, which provides companies with a sample view of their software asset management in present time. This allows them to have a starting point to work their way up towards total SAM optimization. 

5 Stages of SAM Maturity


In the early stages of Software Asset Management, the data you collect will be scattered, unreliable, and incomplete. Your environment, as the name implies, is chaotic. 

SAM teams at this point are dealing with undocumented assets, calling help desks, and an inventory system that leaves the company open to paying out huge amounts should they receive an audit. Companies here are in trouble because their data is often spread across multiple spreadsheets and owned by different people (who often don’t talk). The good thing is, if a company recognizes it is in a chaotic state, it can begin to fix the situation.  

The primary job of a Software Asset Manager in this stage is simply getting a handle on what they have and understanding what quality of data they are working with. Companies at this stage are often either completely lacking in quality data, or they have insufficient policies in place to govern their IT environments, meaning this clean-up process can be time-consuming.


An organization at this stage of SAM maturity has set up their most basic SAM environment.  

With a discovery tool implemented to collect software inventory, a company in the Reactive stage can really begin to start drawing the map of their environment. Many software asset management tools in the market today give the impression that full compliance and complete visibility into their environment is gained after you install the product.  

However, this vastly oversimplifies how long the process will take and the type of effort that is involved in getting your software environment under control. The next step from here is to collect license data to compare against the software inventory that has been gathered. 

Receiving an audit from a software vendor in this stage will seem more like damage control, with your company scrambling to collect data and struggling to present it in a way that challenges the auditor’s findings.

Compliance Plus

Congratulations! You’ve made it to compliance! Now that a company has their licensing information as well as the software inventory, the real fun can begin as licenses and software are paired. 

At this point, a company should have the info necessary to defend themselves from an audit and the larger picture of their software environment should be getting clearer. The next steps are to apply automated reporting of software inventory and license entitlements to ensure continued compliance. 


Now that you’re up to date with your licensing, it’s time to find some savings. Once automated reports are set up, finding spaces where your organization can save money is key. 

At this point, you should have the full view of your software environment and your focus should be on optimizing your licenses by applying the correct sized licenses to your end users, identifying unused licenses, and leveraging your existing inventory when negotiating new contracts. 

Software asset management can now prove a tool for the IT department to track the use and overall value of software assets. This will give them the data they need to advocate for needed software, retire software that no longer has value and project future usage.

Amplify Value

Your software environment is ticking along and saving you money. Now, it’s time to take those savings and make them grow. 

This stage of SAM maturity is focused on the future. Often, we have seen companies buy their software simply based on what they have purchased before but now that you have reached this stage, you can focus on where you want your software profile to go.  

Your SAM team should be reaching out to vendors and building relationships to help maintain compliance, negotiate better deals, and planning for end-of-lifecycle events. 

The savings in this stage are reaped over time – they are the cumulative year-over-year savings from knowing exactly what your organization needs by planning for the future. Once you have reached this stage, your company can make calculated spending decisions when it comes time for contract negotiations and renewals.

Benefits of a SAM Maturity Assessment

It is nearly impossible to set up an effective SAM program without knowing how mature your program already is. Each step of SAM maturity leads you to the next step, eventually guiding you to full compliance and huge savings. 

Running a SAM maturity assessment is an excellent way to mitigate risks associated with a chaotic SAM environment, such as surprise audits, large true-up fees, and production slowdowns due to improper licensing.

Implementing an Effective SAM Maturation Plan

These goals might all sound wonderfully optimistic but how are you supposed to get to that seemingly impossible goal of having your entire software estate under control? 

Getting your SAM team to a mature position is a large undertaking and can take several weeks to complete. In fact, don’t be surprised if it takes two or more years to get to the Amplify Value stage across your entire software footprint.  

According to ITAM Review’s article, Six Stages to Building a SAM Practice, one of the most common mistakes that companies fall prey to when trying to get their SAM under control, is trying to do too much too fast, leaving people feeling overwhelmed, confused, and discouraged from continuing. 

To keep you organized during the process, below are the three crucial steps to building your way to a mature SAM strategy.


The first step to bringing your SAM team to maturity is to plan. This sounds simple, but having a step by step process laid out keeps your team on track and focused on what needs to be done next. Often SAM teams just begin pulling data and trying to assign licenses without a plan, which ends up causing an already complex process to become more complex. 

Sit down with your team and draw up a roadmap to success that everyone can access. This map should detail the steps required to hit each milestone of SAM maturity, and each team member’s role in reaching them. 


Now that you have your plan laid out, it is time to start building the SAM machine that will keep your organization in compliance. 

Each member of your team needs to know exactly what needs to be done. This is where you should be implementing tools to get the cleanest data you can get your hands on. 

Remember the golden rule of data during his period: garbage in, garbage out.  

The better the data your team is collecting about your instances, software editions, devices, and license types, the better your position will be once you come into compliance. Make sure that you get a SAM tool in place that can effectively monitor your software estate. If you’d like more information on making an informed decision about buying your SAM tool, visit our article What are Software Asset Management (SAM) Tools: Functions, Advantages, and Disadvantages.


Now that your SAM team has brought your organization into compliance, it’s time to set up a maintenance program. Luckily, now that your environment has been cleaned up, maintaining compliance and a strong ELP is much easier than working from a chaotic state. 

Focusing on the future is imperative for good SAM maintenance. Preparing for end-of-lifecycle by beginning negotiations early, planning for growth in the company and the licenses that will be necessary for new employees, and creating positive relationships with vendors are all imperative to good SAM maintenance. 

Within your company, foster a strong software awareness mindset, since SAM isn’t a one time thing; it must be an ongoing demonstration of discipline and dedication.

A Better SAM Solution

We know that building a mature SAM position is a daunting task; there are many stages that need to be handled accurately since mistakes at one stage can cause further disruptions down the line, and the amounts of money at stake can reach into the millions of dollars. 

Fortunately, MetrixData360’s SAM Compass program can help to ease that burden. Our robust Software Asset Management as a Service offering is perfect for organizations that need the expertise of a licensing team, without the headache of training.  

While crafting a mature SAM position is no overnight task, an experienced team can do it in a fraction of the time due to the steep learning curve faced by any new people to the field – license agreements are complex contracts, often spanning across several documents. Luckily, our team here at MetrixData360 has experience with all major licensing formats from the major software publishers. 

If you would like any more information about building a SAM team or maturing your SAM strategy, please read through the educational materials in our learning center, or feel free to reach out to our Director of Client Success and we’ll get back to you in 24 hours.

How Will Your Software Contracts Be Affected By COVID-19?

These are scary times we live in; toilet paper is hard to come by all of a sudden, we’re all staying home if we can, and washing our hands for at least 20 seconds (although that one you probably should have been doing already). The Software publishers are showing a lot of grace towards their customers and prospective clients during this time; they have not been aggressive in their sales, they are delaying renewals, and have limited their audits.

Despite their leniency now, the long-lasting effects that COVID-19 could have on our global market could means that software publishers may be desperate to make up for their loss of sales during this pandemic. In these uncertain times, many of our customers are asking what will this mean for their software budgets? We know that the organizations that come out of these messes with minimal damage are the ones that act fast and work twice as hard. At MetrixData 360, we like to keep you informed about how you can curb the damage of this crisis.

Areas to Reduce Software Costs During a Crisis

  • Maintenance Contracts

At a time when it is necessary to be wise with our spending, examining your maintenance contracts is a great place to start. If you are running old versions of the software in question, your maintenance is nothing but an expensive support policy. Remember, software publishers make 80% margins on Support/Maintenance, so be sure it is something you need. We have seen more than one customer paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to run a version that is five years old, with no plans to upgrade, and having placed only two or three support calls on the product in a year, as opposed to once per quarter.

  • Subscription Contracts

The devil is in the details, so read your contract over to see how and when you can reduce your license counts. If the timing isn’t right for your contract to be rearranged, brainstorm ways to get your vendor to negotiate with you. It is likely that they will only become more unwilling to reduce counts as the crisis nears the end.

  • Pre-Committed Cloud Spends (Particularly with AWS/Azure)

Heading to the Cloud? Since being able to work remotely is more important than ever before, it may be tempting to rush any Cloud deployment your company may be planning. However, rushing to the Cloud is how many of our clients wind up with wasted spending, which is the last thing your company needs right now. Since the transition to the Cloud has often resulted in unforeseen spikes in cost, see if you can put off any scheduled Cloud deployment to prevent you from paying for any unforeseen Cloud costs during this time of crisis. Tell the vendor that you would like to move your deployment to next year or the year after, to free up your business to focus on more short-term cash flow. If your company is already situated in the Cloud, make sure you are only paying for what you need, if you discover anything you are not using, shut it off, so that you can stop paying for it.

  • Consider Renewing and/or Extending Your Contracts Now

Contract negotiations are expected to get tougher following this crisis, as software vendors struggle to recover lost sales. Therefore, it’s important to get ahead of this, open-up a negotiation of new terms and conditions with your software vendors as soon as possible to see if they are not willing to renew, or at least extend your contract, given the tumultuous nature of the situation. In order to conduct a successful contract negotiation, you will need to have accurate inventory data and the ability to determine the future needs of your company (as best you can, given the circumstances). This is achieved through following an effective software asset management process.

  • Look at Maintenance Costs Compared to Rebuy Scenarios

Sometimes it is better to rebuy a whole new license compared to paying for upkeep – especially when it comes to old support contracts that have annual increases. After several years, simply rebuying the license can give you greater value.

  • Look for Spots that IT Can Re-Architect to Save License Costs

The internet is currently speckled with articles for how to keep yourself busy at home and organizing is one of them. The same thing can be applied to your IT Infrastructure. Clearing out all the clutter and reorganizing your space to be more cost-effective right after your return to the office is a great way to realize potential savings. See if you cannot create a dev cluster, or group older versions on the same hosts/clusters, for example.

  • Review Contracts and All Clauses that Speak to Licensing or Costs

While you are self-isolating or social distancing, you can review your software contracts. Perhaps you can save money on Disaster Recovery, or on a dev/test product that you’re paying for full production licenses for. There may easily be alternative licensing types that can save you money that you never even thought of before or perhaps you can negotiate a special use clause for this situation.

  • Unneeded Licenses Under Support

If you have licenses that are supported by your company that aren’t needed or used, you can negotiate a one-time trade in. This can get you things you can use or will need in the future.

  • Review Your IT Environment for Duplicate Functionality

Look for areas where you have two products serving the same function such as security software, consider using the Security licenses from MS instead of Symantec/McAfee, for example. Now is a good time to start consolidating vendors to streamline your licensing structure.

  • Review Usage / Metering / Functionality

Now is the time to reclaim licenses and put them back in stock for future needs. See if you can negotiate out unused subscriptions or licenses from maintenance contracts or consider moving employees from Advanced to Standard suites to decrease costs. It’s more important than ever that you pay for only what you need.

BONUS – Annual Price Increase in Support

If you have an annual price increase, try your best to negotiate it out of your contract. If you signed a multi-year deal with increasing year over year prices, negotiate for the current year’s price, given the situation.

Software Asset Management to Save Your Business Money

During this time of crisis and the time of recovery that will be necessary afterwards, software asset management for your business might seem like an expensive luxury, but in fact, it has the potential of granting your company massive Return on Investment. Now is not the time to have an under-licensed or over-licensed software environment, which with any way you tip it, you will risk losing money either through paying heavy auditing fines or through paying for too many licenses. By successfully implementing software asset management you gain the following:

      • Control Over Your Software: your spending is no longer dictated by what the software publishers tell you, whose primary motivation is for you to spend more and more money with them. Instead your spending is dictated by your company’s needs and growth plans. This means no more wastage as companies without a proper software asset management process implemented are expected to have roughly 30% of their software licensing environment be either wasted or underutilized.
      • Reduced Security Risk: Could you imagine a security breach right in the middle of this chaos? That would be quite the when-it-rains-it-pours situation. As we covered in our article, How SAM can Improve Your Cyber Security, Software Asset Management can reduce the risk of your company facing exposure to a software breach, since hackers will often use old, unaccounted for software as a way to wriggle into your environment. Software asset management can be a valuable asset for your IT security by providing visibility into your licensing and usage, exposing any malicious activity.
      • Accuracy and Peace of Mind: These troubled times can lead to a lot of uncertainty and software asset management can at least take your software off of your mind. If you know what is in your software environment, and you know that it is doing its job in the most effective way possible, then you will be ready and capable should you be faced with an audit.

For more information on what Software Asset Management can do for your company, check out our article, What is Software Asset Management?

A Message From MetrixData 360

We recognize that it is important that we do what we can to get through this. We need to slow the spread of the virus by staying home whenever possible and by practicing social distancing.

At MetrixData 360, we take this pandemic quite seriously and we extend our deepest gratitude to public health officials, researchers and team members on the front lines and to the world governments who have taken extensive action to battling this pandemic. It is important for businesses to be aware of the long-term effects that this virus could have regarding your software licensing environment. Software asset management can save your company money at a time when it is important to be responsible with how funds are allocated. For more information on how MetrixData 360 can support your business through this economic turmoil, you can contact us and we’d be happy to answer any of your software licensing related questions.

Rebounding from 2019 May Mean More Micro Focus Audit Requests

Micro Focus did not have a good 2019 and customers should expect to see more Micro Focus audit notices this year because of it. On Valentine’s Day of 2020, Micro Focus’s Executive Chairman Kevin Loosemore has stepped down from his role as a leader after fifteen years on the job and a 6-8% dip in sales with a staggering 30% revenue drop.

Those are some harsh numbers to work with and it would probably be a bit nerve-racking for Micro Focus’ customers or prospecting customers? Is now the time to buy or is it better to jump ship now? At MetrixData 360, we have gone toe-to-toe with Micro Focus on many different occasions and we have gotten to know their business strategies quite well. With these tough times ahead for Micro Focus, here are a few things that you can expect as a Micro Focus customer.

1. Expect More Micro Focus Audits in the Future

Micro Focus is already known to be an audit-heavy software vendor, but this extra pressure to drive revenue back up in the wake of such a challenging year could mean that if you have Micro Focus software, a software audit might be around the corner.

Being prepared is the best thing you can do. To get ahead of your Micro Focus Audit, here are some tips specifically geared towards Micro Focus’ tactics of auditing, according to ITAM’s Review, along with some of our own findings:

  • Pay close attention to Micro Focus contracts, make sure that terms like “authorized user” are clearly defined, since Micro Focus has the tendency to put vague terms in their EULA that can create confusion that is exploited later in an audit.
  • Ensure the licensing metric as outlined in your contract is also clearly understood to everyone internally. A lack of understanding will make it unclear what you’re supposed to count to remain in compliance or how they will collect or count usage data in an audit.
  • If your Micro Focus products are accessed through servers like Citrix or through VDI’s, make sure that you are licensed according to Micro Focus’ metric. Micro Focus will want to see that you have control overs in place to ensure who has access to their products. Otherwise, they will require that everyone with access to the products is licensed (access rights), as opposed to simply licensing those who use the product (use rights).

2. HP Products Might Be the Target for Audits

Micro Focus purchased many software products from HP Enterprise back in late 2016 for $8.8 billion, and since then we haven’t seen them target HP users in any of their audits. Up until now, they have mostly been auditing for products such as Rumba, Attachmate Extra, and their Resource Access Control Facility (RACF).

With their recent revenue challenges, we may begin to see audits expanded to include legacy HP Products since it is a viable area for software audits that they have not exploited as of yet.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can get ahead of the auditors and be prepared for your next software audit, check out our article, 5 Secrets to Prepare for a Software Audit (And Save Money).

3. Now Is the Time to Negotiate

If you’re expecting a contract renewal with Micro Focus soon or if you want to get a contract in place with Micro Focus, this might be your time to push for the deals you want.

Micro Focus is not in a place where they can risk losing deals to competitors, so this situation might give you the foothold you need to start maximizing the value of your software with Micro Focus.

Here are some tips to help you prepare as you enter negotiations with Micro Focus:

  • Consider the stakeholders. The people involved in carving out this deal for you may have different goals within their ranks. Some may be paid based on the revenue they can generate, some on your satisfaction as a client. Make sure you phrase your arguments in a way that appeals to each.
  • Prepare for a contract renewal like you would for an audit – because one might be coming soon afterwards. If you walk away from a contract negotiation having managed to cut your spending, chances are Micro Focus will compensate for the losses by sending you an audit. It would be a smart move to perform an internal audit; you should know your usage and your license requirements. This will not only get you ready for any potential audit, but it will also allow you to make better spending decisions during the negotiations.
  • Be Ready to Apply Leverage when needed. A well-timed call to the right person can be very effective to unblock a stalemate in the process.

If you’d like to learn more about how to strike up a deal that serves your company’s software needs, check out our article, Guide to Negotiating Software Contracts.

Going Forward With Micro Focus

The software industry is a fast paced one and it’s important to keep ahead of the curve. It’s unlikely that Micro Focus will find themselves out of the game just yet, they have enough revenue to pool from their contract renewals but this heavy hit could mean you’ll start to see some changes in the company if you are a customer of Micro Focus or are considering signing a deal with them.

At MetrixData360, we like to keep you informed to make sure that you can make educated decisions regarding your software spending. If you want to know more about the latest news in the software industry, you can sign up for our Newsletter by clicking the link below! It’s completely free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Getting Started: Implementing Software Asset Management

Implementing Software Asset Management for Beginners

Implementing a strong software asset management strategy into your company can have massive long-term benefits in savings and overall software visibility.

When you are just beginning your software asset management journey however, all the individual data points can be overwhelming and often discouraging for companies with a large and complicated software profile.

At MetrixData 360, we teach our clients how to implement a strong software asset management program. So at glance, what does it take to get your company on track to an optimized and cost-effective software profile?

Why Implement Software Asset Management?

The first thing you need to do on your journey to a fully realized software profile is convincing your department and possibly your senior management that SAM is a good idea. There are many benefits that can be recognized in a strong software asset management solution, such as:

  • Having a strong software profile in place will mean that you will be better equipped to defend your company from any unwarranted software penalties.
  • Software audits have proven immensely profitable for the software vendors, so there’s nothing stopping them from coming back over and over again for another audit. It’s not a matter of if you’ll be audited, it’s a matter of when and how often.
  • You will be in a position where you can verify the accuracy of your data and you will have better visibility into your spending and your usage, which means you will be able to eliminate waste and deal with potential compliance issues before they are brought up in an audit. Software Asset Management puts you back in the driver’s seat when it comes to your software.
  • With SAM, you can check in on your software health and security. Hackers will often use old and unmonitored software as a means of breaching your security system.

Having an organized software estate and eliminating any redundancies will give your IT security less to manage and more visibility into what has been patched and what hasn’t. If you’d like to know more about the security benefits of SAM, check out our article How SAM can Improve your Cyber Security.

Software Asset Management empowers your IT department, as it gives them the ability to track the value of deployed software. SAM gives them the hard data that they need to advocate for the implementation of much needed software and to retire software that is no longer of value.

Where Do You Start To Implement Software Asset Management?

After you’ve been given the go-ahead to implement SAM, you will find that your software environment is a vast and overwhelming landscape, especially if no form of software asset management has been attempted in the past. How do you even begin to get organized?

  • Determine Your SAM Maturity Levels

Software asset management isn’t a switch you can flick on and off. Although many SAM tools market themselves as offering complete SAM maturity immediately upon installation of their product, this is hardly ever the case.

You gain visibility slowly over an extended period of time. Depending on the size and state of your software profile, reaching full SAM maturity could take anywhere from a few months to a little over a year.

The first step in developing a strong Software Asset Management profile is simply determining where you are in the process. This means that you will be able to map out a plan to get you to where you want to go. There are several stages to SAM maturity (it’s most often presented in five stages but Certero only counts four):

      • Chaotic, which is exactly what it sounds like. There is no semblance of software visibility present. Your only goal at this stage is to figure out what you have.
      • Reactive is where you have a sense of what is in your profile and your goal from here is to determine what licenses you have and compare that against what is in your system.
      • Compliance Plus means that you have reached full compliance; your data is visible, and you can properly defend yourself against any audit should one arise. From here you can work towards automating the process, so that this level of compliance is assured to continue.
      • Optimization means that once you have your licenses in order, and you’ve reached full visibility, you can begin to find ways your company can save money and increase the value of what you have in your network.
      • Amplified Value, now that you’ve been able to save money, you can reinvest that money back into your software environment to help it grow.
  • Determine What Processes You Should Implement

It is important to figure out which of the many processes software asset management implements is right for your business. There are a few core processes that gathers vital information into your SAM visibility. According to ITAM Reviews’ An Introduction to Software Asset Management, these processes include:

      • Determining Software Use – Establish what users are permitted to do with the software they have installed on their machines.
      • Software Procurement – How do you properly purchase a new software instance?
      • Software Authorization and Deployment – How is new software requested and what is the process for approval and deployment?
      • Recycling with Starters, Movers, and Leavers – How is software given to new employees? What happens when an employee moves departments or offices? What happens to an employee’s software when they leave the company? How is it redistributed back into your company’s infrastructure?
      • Disaster Recovery – Should an unexpected incident occur, how will critical IT services be maintained until the incident has passed?
      • License Compliance – How does your company determine that license compliance is met and how do you guarantee that non-compliance issues are addressed?
  • Find the Right Tools and People for the Project

The next thing you need is the right equipment to get the job done. When choosing a SAM tool for your company, according to ITAM Reviews’ article: An Introduction to Software Asset Management; as well as conclusions drawn from our own experience, there are many things to consider, such as:

      • A tool won’t give you complete visibility immediately, software asset management is a process
      • Tools can easily apply duplicates, especially if your network has unique naming conventions
      • Tools struggle to account for Cloud Mobility, different License Metrics, or bundled purchases
      • Tools can accidentally mark your test environments as full production deployments
      • Tools are great for inventory data, but they will often fail to account for circumstantial data such as Edition types
      • Check the compatibility of the SAM tool with your environment or any other SAM tools you already have implemented
      • How will the tool impact the user experience, if at all?
      • Is your infrastructure strong enough to support the tool?
      • How does the tool vendor issue updates or patches? How will those changes affect the tool and its performance in your system?
      • How does the tool gather data? Is there any downtime that is experienced as a result of the tool gathering data?
      • Does the tool vendor offer any support?

Ensure that you keep this in mind when purchasing your tool, as often companies with an insufficient SAM tool will resort to either buying another SAM tool or supplementing any missing information manually and both solutions are far from ideal.

Next, you’ll need to find someone who can own the project. SAM is not something that can be simply thrown at procurement,for example. Software Asset Management is a full-time job. You have a few options at your disposal when it comes to hiring the right people:

Hire a Software Asset Management Team

While hiring a team of full-time software asset managers offers you a team that shares your company values, adding to your company’s headcount is expensive in the long run and offers less expertise and diversity of experience than a software licensing consultant.

Third-Party Software License Consultants

Perhaps their expense can seem more costly upfront, but software license consultants bring instant expertise and the ability to scale their team according to your demands. The savings that they can bring to your company can be huge.

Hybrid Solution

This popular option offers the best of both worlds. Companies who opt into this hybrid solution will have their own tools installed onto their network but will outsource the management of it to a software license consultant. This setup is ideal for companies with highly sensitive data or companies who have their day-to-day management under control but would like assistance with a large project such as an audit or a contract renewal.

For more information on the options available to you, check out our article Hire a Software Asset Management Expert or Do it Yourself? The Pros and Cons of Each.

Want to Get Started?

Software Asset Management is quickly becoming an essential element of any strong business strategy.

There are audits to defend against, software licenses to optimize, money to save, and asset management can give you all of that.

Getting a handle on your software estate means less time scrambling for data, less money being wasted by untracked resources, and less of being at the mercy of your software vendors.

At MetrixData 360, we empower our clients with the tools they need to make smart spending decisions when it comes to their software. We have helped hundreds of clients save millions of dollars in their software estate

If you’d like to learn more about how we can get you started on the path to a fully mature Software Asset Management Strategy, check out our SAM as a Service Page. As you begin this journey please remember, you don’t have to do it alone!

Book a Meeting With Your New SAM Expert

The Best Software Asset Management Tools

Best SAM Tools: Reviews, Pros, and Cons

Software Asset Management tools are great for tracking your software installations and making sure that you are within compliance with your software contracts. If you have a larger infrastructure, with thousands of devices to manage, then having an accurate depiction of your software environment without a SAM tool of some kind simply isn’t doable.

When used correctly, SAM tools are your best defense in any software audit that comes your way.

Picking a SAM tool that is right for you is critical to both ensuring that your Software Asset Management program is a success and avoiding wasting money on a tool that can’t deliver on its investment. There is nothing worse than purchasing licenses and paying consultants to implement the solution only to have untracked data crop up during a software audit.

At MetrixData360, we have worked with many software asset management tools that are in the market today, since our tool set, the SAM Compass, is capable of both acting as your only SAM tool and working in tandem with any SAM tool that is already implementing into your software estate. Having worked with so many different SAM tools, we want to help you make the right decision on which tool is best for you, so here is a review of some of the best SAM tools that are currently available.

Snow Software: Snow License Manager

About Snow Software

Snow is an international consulting firm that offers many different services, their diversity can’t be overstated as they are involved with software asset management, audit defense, licensing and risk management. They also have developed their own SAM tools that you can purchase, their main product being their License Manager.

Benefits of Snow Software

The Snow License Manager provides a singular view of your data. It can track the lifecycle of your applications and has a built-in calculator that can effectively capture your licensing position, even across different licensing metrics. The program is fast and can automatically identify more than 95,000 software publishers and over 550,000 applications. It also comes with flexible deployment options and can access your data from multiple points.

Drawbacks of Snow License Manager

According to reviews in Gartner, the downside with Snow’s environment is that it has been noted to struggle with accurately linking with the Archive Directory.


Who Snow Would Be Perfect For

  • Users of IBM, Oracle, and SAP
  • New users
  • Smaller companies with fewer than 500 employees</li

Certero Tools


About Certero

Certero is an international corporation with locations in North America, Europe and Australia. They value a more personalized approach, aiming for integrity, trust, innovation and tenacity. They are best known for their Cloud, Oracle and IBM software products.

Benefits of Certero

This product might not be as well-known, but it is very sleek and compact. Their SAM tool is easy to deploy, run and update with areas of expertise that goes beyond SAM. Certero offers full platform and full vendor coverage with license management optimization, and a maximum-security access control.

Drawbacks of Certero

One unfortunate flaw in Certero’s program that comes up in Gartner review are issues around sub-capacity counts within IBM’s ILMT. Also, according to The ITAM’s review, Certero AssetStudio Review, the self-help written content could be improved, meaning that you will have to rely heavily on the customer support team at Certero while you move up the learning curve.

Who Certero Would Be Perfect For

  • Cloud users
  • Oracle and IBM users
  • New Users
  • Companies on a budget

Flexera SAM Tools

About Flexera

Flexera has been in the business for thirty years, having managed over 30 million servers and devices throughout their history. They don’t just offer consultation and training but also their top-class SAM tool FlexNet Manager.

Benefits of Flexera

FlexNet offers an interesting ‘what-if’ analysis capability, so you can see how the changes to your hardware or software will impact your future licensing requirements. FlexNet has also been reported to be quite comprehensive in its data gathering so you will have detailed information on your software deployments.

Disadvantages of Flexera

The downside with FlexNet, according to Gartner Reviews, is that it is a complex software estate that might be difficult for new users and require significant investment in consulting and time to set up. FlexNet has also been reported to have some issues working with SQL servers, giving you less-than-accurate license reports.


Who Flexera Would Be Perfect For

  • Large organizations of more than 1,000 employees
  • Advanced users
  • CFO-friendly for projected return and costs


About ServiceNow

is a global company that was placed as third on Fortune Magazine’s Future 50 List in 2019, which ranks companies on their position for long-term growth. ServiceNow aims to create a smoother digital workflow and prides itself in a high renewal rates and a history of creating strong business relationships with enterprise customers.

Benefits of ServiceNow

ServiceNow is an extremely popular product that has swept across North America, as seen in Gartner reviews. They have a strong foothold in IT Service Management and are excellent at ticketing. They are also looking to leverage this into the SAM space. ServiceNow offers training to their customers, so that you can be effective at using the product. Since it is a broad platform, it is also effective at tracking the life cycle and usability of software and hardware assets.

Drawbacks of ServiceNow

According to ITAM’s Review, ServiceNow (ITAM) Review, with a larger organization, ServiceNow can become complicated and difficult to manage due to the multiple layers of configuration. They also only offer a free Developer instance as a demo, which will expire after seven days of inactivity, and has limited data to test with.

Who ServiceNow Would Be Perfect For

  • Smaller businesses of fewer than 500 employees
  • Current ServiceNow customers
  • ITSM users

Aspera SmartTrack

About Aspera

This friendly consultant firm has been going strong for twenty years and maintains an excellent customer service reputation where their business resides, in Europe and North America. They aim to take SAM and turn it into something that is easily approachable and customer-oriented.

Benefits of Aspera

Aspera’s SmartTrack Manages offers a wide variety of vendors including Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, SAP, Adobe, Citrix, HP, CA, Autodesk, Symantec, Attachmate and Red Hat just to name a few. SmartTrack also has software normalization, filtering out the noise of your software inventory. The program has automated license re-harvesting and cloud management services to save you money. They are known to be quite user-friendly, with a free demo offered for potential buyers and information that is easily digestible.

Drawbacks of Aspera

Unfortunately, according to Gartner Reviews, Aspera’s unique compliance reporting takes some getting used to and full deployment into your environment takes time. Comments in ITAM’s review, Aspera SmartTrack review, states that Aspera would be better suited for a larger company with a complex infrastructure, which means if you are a smaller company with a more basic architecture, you might find that Aspera will be too complicated to implement.

Who Aspera SmartTrack Would Be Perfect For

  • New users
  • Environments with multiple licenses
  • Larger companies of over 1,000 employees

Xensam Xupervisor

About Xensam

Xensam has stretched across the globe in the small time it’s been active. The fairly new player only kicked things off in 2016. They focus on putting their customers first, offering to candidly compare themselves with their competitors.

Benefits of Xensam

Comments from Gartner Reviews have called the program very simple, polished and easy to use. One lovely feature Xensam has at their disposal is the ability to show actual active usage, while other SAM tools just track when the application is open, according to their Xupervisor page on their website. You can try them out for free, as a demo is offered.

Drawbacks of Xensam

As seen in reviews from Gartner and Capterra’s Xensam Xupervisor Reviews, Xensam only offers hardware information for certain devices, which might prove a troublesome gap of information in the case of a software audit. It also offers very few connectors to the Cloud vendors.

Who Xensam Xupervisor Would Be Perfect For

  • New users
  • On-prem environments

AssetLabs Prelude

About AssetLabs

AssetLabs comes with a very personal touch, taking great care to let you get to know their customers and their valued partners. They offer a variety of services including but not limited to audit defense, true up preparation, server optimization, and, software inventory normalization.

Benefits of AssetLabs Prelude

The benefits of Prelude are found in its wide array of services. Utilizing Prelude will get you customer support and free training. AssetLabs are certified by CSAM as experts to help manage your own SAM portfolio, tailored to your specific use. Their data connectors are free of charge, and the environment can provide quarterly or bi-annual ELP updates. Prelude is also great for categorizing and normalizing your software titles to match ISO specifications.

Drawbacks of AssetLabs’ Prelude

Some limitation of Prelude is in the fact that Prelude doesn’t do well with more complex license models like IBM, Oracle, and SAP. It also has no discovery model and therefore would need to rely on other tools to compensate. It’s last struggling point is that Prelude doesn’t have a SaaS application.

Who Is AssetLabs’ Prelude Perfect For?

  • Learners in the Licensing Industry
  • New users
  • Companies who do not want the large costs that come with implementing a complex SAM solution.

For More Information About SAM Tools

Whatever SAM product you choose for your company, make sure that your product can suit your needs when it comes to your company’s size and your software vendors. Finding a SAM tool that can meet your short-term and long-term goals is important in ensuring your satisfaction with the product. For more information on how to purchase your SAM tool carefully, check out our article Things You Should Consider Before You Buy A Software Asset Management Tool.

Be sure that you ask questions and properly weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each SAM tool so that you are confident your license information is accurate and reliable.

At MetrixData360, we utilize our in-house tools to supplement any missing data your SAM tools may have failed to detect. If you’d like to find out how our tools can provide you any missing data points or if you’d like a chance to validate the accuracy of the SAM tool you have in place, clicking the link below will take you to Our Tools page.

How SAM Can Improve Your Cyber Security

A security breach in your infrastructure doesn’t just mean monetary loss but the tarnished reputation incurred by having your clients’ information exposed. A breach in cyber security could have serious negative effects on the future growth of your business.

It may seem on the surface that IT Security and Software Asset Management (SAM) don’t have that much in common – but they do!

Your company’s IT security team is usually worried about detailed levels of information, such as ensuring all products have necessary security patches and that there are no tampered files that might contain malware. The software asset managers, on the other hand, will not usually be interested in such details and instead will be focused on determining the usage of specific software or software access rights, something that would be considered minute and trivial to someone from security.

For this reason, IT security often overlooks software asset management as a potential resource in eliminating exposure to cyberthreats.

At MetrixData360, we take the security of your data seriously and know that Software Asset Management can not only save you money but help keep your data safe with increased visibility of your software environment.

Software Asset Inventory Means Cyber Security Visibility

Few successful hackers would attempt to butt heads with the firewall of a company’s infrastructure. Their approach is usually more opportunistic, going after weak points in a company’s structure such as unapproved apps, unmanaged devices, and poor password protection, according to Microsoft’s article Minimize Cyber Security risk with Software Asset Management.

Not knowing what is in your software estate (having unaccounted devices whose usage and activities are not being tracked) gives hackers the opening into your infrastructure that they’re waiting for. However, accurate tracking of what you have in your software profile is one of the many services that Software Asset Management brings to the table.

With Software Asset Management inventory tools in place, you will be able to know what you are using and contrast that against what you’re paying for. Traditionally, this has been seen as a way to save money (and it is!). But it also adds visibility into your software estate, including the ability to match machine to user and location, which can prove vital information for the security of your software profile.

Software Updates, Security Patches, and General Software Health

Software Asset Management can help reduce your security vulnerability by making sure that the software you have installed in your estate is healthy and up to date.

According to IDC’s article The Business Value of Software Asset Management, cybercriminals will often take advantage of devices left exposed due to end-of-life IT systems and software that is no longer receiving product updates and security patches from their vendor sources.

Failure to keep software up-to-date can leave your devices exposed to hackers. However not every patch that a software vendor offers is provided as a free add-on to their software, and software asset management can help determine what you are at liberty to install and what you are not.

According to Deloitte’s article Minimizing the Threat Landscape Through Integration of Software Asset Management and Security, having strong software asset management in place will keep rogue malware from worming its way into your system. Formal requests may prevent but not completely eliminate the threat of such an event occurring.

Security tools need to be in place to control access, while SAM discovery tools can provide a deeper look into your software estate by evaluating what is installed in your software environment, including what employees might download from the Internet onto their work computers without the permission of the IT department. Software Asset Management can also give you the data to ensure that if you have deployed an anti-virus software, it has been deployed everywhere.

While both Security tools and SAM tools provide different types of data, each tool can provide valuable information to secure your infrastructure from outside attackers.

Saving Money and Cutting Damages Through Software Asset Management

According to Security’s article, 6 Ways Software Asset Management Can Help Minimize Security Risk, SAM’s main goal is to cut your spending with software, whether that is through knowing where you are liable to receive a software audit, or if it is areas where you are overspending by purchasing too much software compared to what you’re using.

By cutting extra waste, you allow your IT security team to manage a smaller software estate that is devoid of redundancies. Having a more organized software estate will mean that patch management can be conducted quickly and efficiently. According to Microsoft’s article Minimize Cybersecurity Risk with Software Asset Management, even in the event of a security breach, software asset management can help create a quick response to threats and ensure that your security system has an effective defense strategy against an attack by having an accurate picture of what is in your system.

According to Phara McLachlan, the collaboration between the IT security and software asset management teams can greatly improve the speed of your IT network. IT security has information that could help the SAM team do its job, such as standards and data on blacklist, software white lists, and a user’s last login information. Software asset management also has their own information that IT security can make use of, such as information on software installations, versions and editions, ownership, location, entitlement, assets and CIs.

How MetrixData360 Can Help Your Cyber Security

At MetrixData360, we understand the priority of cyber security when it comes to your data. Making sure that your software is clean of all threats could mean the difference between thriving in your industry and going down in history as the unfortunate victim in a hacker scandal.

The SAM Compass package provides you with an accurate licensing position and shows where you are overspending to optimize your software profile. It also gives you the ability to monitor your new applications and detect threats that enter your environment. If you’d like to learn more about whether SAM Compass is right for your company, click the link below to head over to our SAM Compass page.

5 Factors to Consider When Buying a Software Asset Management Tool

Things You Should Consider Before You Buy A Software Asset Management Tool

Software Asset Management (SAM) tools offer tremendous value. According to BCS the Chartered Institute of IT, 20 to 30% of an overall IT budget goes to software licenses and maintenance fees that can be minimized with the use of an effective SAM tool. Before you buy a SAM tool, however, there are a few questions you should ask yourself.

The first question you need to ask is do you even need a SAM tool? While at MetrixData360, we advise companies to have some sort of SAM tool in their environment, we understand that it might not be the best financial move for everyone.

Here are five key factors to consider before you purchase your Software Asset Management tool.

1. The Size Of Your Company

According to OMTCO’s Six Questions that Managers Should Ask About Software Asset Management, if you are a small company with only a few servers to keep in check, then you’re already at fairly low risk of receiving a software audit. Vendors use software audits as a means of inflating their revenue, so they only have eyes for the big fish from whom they can squeeze a profit from.

If you have a small software estate, your licensing will also be small and easily manageable, and you can keep things organized with just a couple of spreadsheets in case that you do receive a software audit. If that is the case, then a SAM tool probably won’t provide that much assistance.

2. How Complex Is Your Infrastructure?

Complexity is a breeding ground for human error. If your company has any of the following attributes then it might be time to consider whether or not you buy a software asset management tool:

  • If your company has undergone a merger or acquisition
  • If it has multiple locations that reaches an international scale
  • If parts of your infrastructure has been outsourced
  • If other parts have undergone virtualization or migration to the Cloud

3. What Will the Function of Your Software Asset Management Tool Be? Inventory or Software License Management?

SAMsource Library’s article Do You Need SAM Tools talks about how in the SAM tools market, you’ll probably come across SAM tools with a primary focus in one of the two following areas:

  • Inventory
  • License Management

With inventory tools, your SAM tool will track what you have installed on your system. It might sound unnecessary, but there are many software estates out there that have old accounts from past employees or old servers locked away in storage that are still licensed and considered active in the eyes of your software vendor. Inventory tools can also be an excellent way to monitor your security, which can prevent viruses or malware to name a few benefits.

While there are many tools that offer inventory data, it is not the only important data point as license management is equally important, so you need SAM tool that can do both. If you buy a software asset management tool that lacks the ability to manage licenses, it will be harder to configure the tool to meet your needs.

Inventory tools will usually come with an add-on feature that offers license management, but their effectiveness might be lacking since license management is more of an afterthought behind inventory collection. What is worse, some of the older SAM tool models were not equipped to the ability to track multiple forms of licensing metrics effectively and struggle with Cloud-based systems, which is something you should be aware of while purchasing your tool.

4. Will the SAM Tool Easily Fit Into Your Existing System?

Before you contact any SAM tool vendors to talk about a purchase, BCS points out in their Guide to Selecting a SAM Tool that it is important to consider if the process is worth the effort or if the only thing you’ll get out of the deal is a migraine. It’s important to establish if the SAM tool in question can even be integrated into your system easily.

Consider your IT asset inventory tools, your procurement systems, your HR, and all the other systems that interconnect with one another throughout your business and ask if the SAM tool in question can be effectively incorporated. Take time to consider if the SAM tool that is being installed is also compatible with any other SAM tools in your system.

You also need to establish that the tools that you are thinking of purchasing meet the demands presented by your software’s unique environment. This requires that they communicate with IT landscapes and offer information on features and pricing as well.

5. Will You Also Need to Put Someone in Charge of Your SAM?

Merely purchasing the tool might not be enough if you want to obtain full control over your software estate. Making sure that everything is organized in the case of a software audit might mean hiring someone who can own your SAM tools. Software asset managers will ensure the tools are running properly and gathering the data you need to create an accurate Estimated License Position.

Software Asset Managers, or third-party software consultants like MetrixData360, have quite the versatile role, according to the Vector Network’s article Back to the Basics: Roles of The Software Asset Manager. The job entails managing the SAM tool, handling software requests, purchasing and deploying new software, ensuring that the company is ready for an audit, and utilizing reporting and documentation tactics. If you feel like your company can offer enough of these types of tasks to fill a workday, consider if a SAM manager would be a useful addition to your workforce.

Along with a Software Asset Manager or Software Consultants, you will also need to consider what sort of systems and procedures will be set in place that will determine how data will be collected, analyzed, and verified.

If your company is large enough, hiring a whole team might be in order to help you remain within compliance and to maximize efficiency with your software licensing, as EY says in their article Software Asset Management: 3 basics all companies should get right.

How to Verify if the SAM Data is Accurate

If you do end up purchasing SAM tools, they will do you little good if you cannot prove that they are accurate. According to the ITAM review’s Verifying Asset Accuracy, the best way to validate the data your SAM tools collect is by doing the following:

  1. Perform a physical spot-check of a small sample of your larger system
  2. Perform a lifecycle check by asking members of the IT team to incorporate data verification into their daily schedule
  3. Perform a comparison of data sets on a large scale to verify which data is represented in which databank (Active Directory, Inventory etc.) to detect blind spots in your system

For More Information

SAM tools are so important to making sure you are within compliance with your software vendor and to make sure that any software audits are conducted as painlessly as possible. For that reason, you’ll need to make an informed decision about your purchase. All that matters is that you have a strategy in place before the next auditor darkens your doorway. At MetrixData360, our goal is to save you money and to make sure you make the smartest spending decision for your company.

How To Sell SAM To Your CFO

Fostering CFO and CIO Collaboration in Software Asset Management

As a CIO, you’re trying to make sure your company stays ahead with the latest technology, and you recognize software asset management is vital for the health of your IT budget. Not only can Software Asset Management track your inventory and make sure that you remain compliant with your licenses, it can also decrease your software spend by 20% or more over an extended period. But how do you sell SAM to your CFO?

According to a survey performed by Gartner and the Financial Executives Research Foundation, 42% of IT departments answered to the CFO and 26% of all IT investments were approved by the CFO as opposed to the CIO, who only approved 5% of all investments.

So, the question remains, how can you convince your CFO of SAM’s importance?

At MetrixData360, the decision-makers we frequently speak with are in both finance and the IT departments, and so we are familiar with how to effectively communicate with both. Here are some benefits and talking points to use when go to sell SAM to your CFO.

Digital Transformation Makes Technology Important to the CFO

A CFO’s job isn’t simply to horde as much money as possible, they’re not a dragon. Their job is to see the company grow through smart investments.

One of the reasons why the CFO and the CIO have often butted heads in the past has been due to conflicting goals. A CIO’s job is to enhance the business through monitoring the technological systems that are in place and deploying more effective ones. Therefore, a CIO would appreciate technology and the need to upgrade older systems. Meanwhile, the CFO would see such an upgrade as an unnecessary investment when compared to the outlay of capital, if the current system performed the job adequately.

Finances and technology are now the two most important departments in the modern business world, and many CFOs, if they want their company to succeed, need to understand the value of technology.

In fact, creating a mentorship relationship between the CFO and the CIO is one way in which the CFO can gain knowledge about the importance of technology in the company’s operations, despite technology not being their field of expertise. If the CFO understands the value of technology, they can often become an advocate for it, instead of a form of adversity.

Plan How You are Going to Present Your Request to the CFO

There are actually many benefits that software asset management can bring to a CFO if you present it in the right manner. Auditboard’s article 7 Ways to Win the Budget Argument with Your CFO offers the following suggestions:

  • Appeal to your company’s values – frame SAM as a gateway to savings that can be better used to improve customer service, product research, or fund new developments.
  • Consider the communication style your CFO prefers – are they interested in the big picture or would cost comparisons and intricate details engage them better?

Keeping these factors in mind will help you create the type of argument that will win the CFO over.

Don’t Expect the CFO to Understand the Importance of SAM

A CFO has to worry constantly about the return on investments. For SAM, that return doesn’t seem to exist because SAM done effectively seemingly does nothing at all. A strong SAM strategy means that your business isn’t disrupted by a software audit and your department’s days aren’t wasted by data retrieval projects or long drawn out negotiations.

Most importantly, there isn’t a massive sum of money that the company suddenly needs come up with to pay off penalties for unlicensed software. In short, business carries on as usual. Such a non-tangible return might seem uninspiring to a CFO.

Before you attempt to sell SAM to your CFO, consider their role in a software audit: damage control. They’re brought to the meeting for two reasons:

  1. To pay the software penalties, which can be a big portion of a company’s yearly software budget. The CFO has to figure out where that money will come from (usually with a tight payment date of just 30 days after a settlement has been reached).
  2. When a software audit has been taken to court and suddenly the company’s reputation is on the line.

Imagine what sort of thoughts might be racing through your mind having that hot mess dropped in your lap. You’d probably be wondering how things could go so sideways so fast, and now you have what feels like someone else’s mess to clean up. Since they’re not involved in most of the process, they might not understand what role software asset management has in the IT Department’s ability to control software costs or within a software audit.

CFOs Want as Little Risk as Possible with High Return Value and SAM Can Give Them That

Despite how they want a company to grow, budgets are based on the ability to plan, so unforeseen risks and surprises are factors that make CFOs nervous.

Of course, despite how much SAM can appear on the outside to be nothing but expensive tools with difficult-to-explain returns, SAM is a perfect tool for lowering compliancy risks and avoiding a huge payout that CFOs would hate to deal with.

Here are just a few more points that can be used to sell SAM to your CFO:

  • According to Snow’s article Software Asset Management & the CFO, Software audits are unavoidable, there’s a 70% chance that your organization will be audited in the next 12 months, so the only thing that you can do is prepare for its inevitability.
  • According to ITAM’s article, How do you convince the CFO, CFOs judge the success of a product based on profit or loss. While CFOs tend to only remember the things that turned a profit, remember that SAM can spare a company significant costs (unneeded software licenses or maintenance is a splendid example).
  • Software Asset Management tools can track the usage of deployed software, creating hard data for the software’s overall usefulness and the ability to effectively project the returns of new software.
  • Software Asset Management can save up to 30% of software spending since it can detect where the company is overpaying for licenses and other general waste.
  • Once again drawing from ITAM’s article, How Do You Convince the CFO?, SAM can prepare the company with an estimated license position to lower the risks of any surprises to their budget. The company may not like what software asset management finds, but at least they will understand what they have to work with long before the software audit arrives. Software asset management can be viewed as an exercise to prevent unexpected losses.

Getting the CFO on board with the software asset management strategy of a company can prove critical for its implementation. Regardless of what method you choose, you need a SAM strategy in place in order to ensure compliance and software efficiency. At MetrixData360, we have spent seven years managing risk and optimizing software licensing spending. If you’re ready to cut costs in your software asset management, then visit our Contact Us page to get a free consultation today!

How to Hire a SAM Expert

Why Hiring the Right SAM Expert Matters

While it’s true Software Asset Management might not be the mostly widely understood industry, it is no less important to the impact on your IT Budget. When you hire a SAM expert that knows what they’re doing, you will ensure that your software environment is in compliance with any software vendors you have contracts with, your organization’s IT infrastructure is compliant and up to date, and, if done correctly, will return money to your IT Budget by decreasing your overall year-over-year software spend through optimization.

At Metrixdata360, our eighty years’ experience in this industry has left us knowing exactly what a quality Software Asset Manager should look like. If they perform their job correctly, you will rest easy knowing your compliance against your software contracts is backed by solid data and you are getting the most out of your software budget.

The Choices for Picking your Software Asset Management Expert

At the helm of an organized Software Asset Management project you will need a strong SAM expert, and there are three options you can select from: you can install an internalized team, you can hire an external source, or you can select a hybrid of the two. In this blog post, we will go over the three types of resources in depth so that you can decide which one is right for you.

Role of a Software Asset Management Expert

Before you hire a SAM expert, it’s important to understand what a SAM expert does. Their role doesn’t end simply with the deployment of software. They also track a software’s usage to make sure that you remain compliant with the vendor and to optimize a software’s cost efficiency. This means they are the ones who will find where your spending with a vendor can be cut, and will negotiate for these better terms during your next contract renewal.

They keep your licenses in order using SAM tools and IT assistance, and they will also play a vital role should you be audited. The software auditors will come after your data to prove that you are out of compliance and for that you will need your Software Asset Manager to oversee the collection of that data and the proper use of your SAM tools.

Hiring an In-House Software Asset Management Expert

Hiring an in-house software asset manager can be a great investment for your company. They can really own the project of software assets and can get to know your architecture inside and out. Usually a software asset management team is extremely valuable for the daily management of software assets. The first thing you want to look for in your future software asset management expert is their experience.

ITAM’s article Software Asset Management Analyst Job Description talks about how typically, software asset managers have a history in finance, business, risk management, or following the more obvious route, Senior IT and/or software development. Moving on to their experience, according to KPMG’s SAM expert training outline, Software Asset Managers need to have a proven track record of handling a project’s setup and management while balancing stakeholder relationships.

They will need to know software licensing in and out, from license agreements to metrics and scenarios, so a history in the legal field of software compliance should also be considered an asset. Your future SAM expert will need to be a master at the verbal and written communication required to conduct vendor relations and contract renewals effectively. Lastly, a strong SAM expert will serve you very little without having an effective SAM tool on their side along with the ability to harness that SAM tool.

Therefore, the skills to learn and manage your software environment should be considered a strong personality trait. If you have a member of your staff already in mind for the task of your new SAM expert but they lack the education, training for Software Asset Management is also available through ITIL and ISO 19770 training courses, which educate on the relevant standards and legislation that govern the industry.

Outsourcing Your Software Asset Management

As covered in from the ITAM Review with an internalized team, you save time and resources that would have otherwise been spent coordinating with the third-party team. However, few companies have the resources and knowledge needed to build their own internalized team to manage their software assets and that is why many companies opt into a partnership with a third-party SAM expert like us.

If you’ve decided on a third-party SAM expert that looks promising, you will want to examine the vendor to make sure that they can deliver value for the costs of their services.’s article How to Hire an Expert or Consultant recommends checking their past records to make sure that they can deliver you the results they offer. Their education and experience should be like the ideal SAM expert stated above.

At Metrixdata360, for instance, we are made up of legal experts, ex-auditors, IT experts, and former software vendor employees. Inquire into the SAM tools that your vendor will be using – a SAM expert that aims to get the job done with just a spreadsheet will be of little value to you. Start a dialogue with them and see how well they listen and incorporate your stated requirements into their strategy. Make sure that the consultant team is willing and able to work within the budget you lay out for them but most importantly, go with what feels right and trust your instincts.

For more information about Hiring a SAM Expert, check out our article 4 Signs It’s Time To Hire A SAM Professional.

Hybrid Software Asset Management

Rolling the SAM Dice: In-House vs. Managed from the ITAM Review brings up the third option for hiring a SAM expert that has become a popular choice amongst businesses. This hybrid solution is buying the SAM tools yourself, having it installed in your environment, and hiring a third-party SAM expert to manage your SAM tools.

This allows you to control the methods used while also being assured that your assets are being properly managed. This is ideal for either companies who are effective in managing their daily software usage but need help with the sudden arrival of an audit, or companies whose data is too sensitive to be let outside their environment.

Regardless of what you pick, make sure that you find something that matches your unique profile before the software auditors are at your door. SAM, if conducted correctly, can save you up to 30% of your current software budget while also allowing you to maintain your relationship with your software vendor. At Metrixdata360, we offer a variety of services including audit preparation, contract negotiation and SAM tools to help you on your journey to full SAM coverage. So don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter so you can keep up to date with the newest developments across the SAM industry. All the best in your SAM hunt!

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