IBM Licensing Costs Tips – Reduce Expenses, Maximize ROI

IBM Licensing Costs: Tips for Lowering Costs and Maximizing ROI


Software solutions have become vital for modern businesses to stay competitive as technology evolves. However, software licensing costs have become significant, especially for IT and procurement stakeholders. The challenge has become even more critical as IBM raised its prices recently. But fear not; I’m sharing some insider tips and tricks for optimizing your IBM licensing costs. Following these strategies can reduce your licensing expenses and maximize your technology investments. So, please grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and dive into some IBM license tips to save your business significant time, money, and aggravation!

Unleashing the Secrets of IBM Software Licensing ModelsUnleashing the Secrets of IBM Software Licensing Models


IBM offers a range of licensing models, each with advantages and disadvantages. It’s crucial to understand the details of each model to choose the most suitable option for your organization.  For example, the Authorized User licensing model grants access to specific users, while the Concurrent User model limits the number of users accessing the software simultaneously. The Processor Value Unit (PVU) model is based on the number of processor cores and their power.  The Resource Value Unit (RVU) model measures CPUs, memory, and storage.

Pro Tip – Many products offer different license metrics.  


You must ensure you pick the suitable IBM license for your needs, or it could cost you. Also, don’t forget to regularly review that metric to ensure it is still the best one for your requirements (at renewal time).

Understanding the licensing terms and conditions is equally important to avoid unexpected costs. For instance, some licenses may require specific hardware or software configurations or limit the usage to a certain number of servers or virtual machines.

The Power of IBM License Optimization Tools


IBM offers several tools to help organizations optimize their software licenses and reduce costs. The License Metric Tool (ILMT) is a critical tool for sub-capacity licensing that allows organizations to monitor their software usage and remain compliant. The ILMT provides reports on software usage, which can help organizations identify usage patterns and optimize licenses accordingly.


Mastering Best Practices for IBM License Optimization


Organizations can follow several best practices to optimize their IBM software licenses. One fundamental approach is to monitor and manage software usage continually. This helps organizations identify over-licensing and under-licensing and make necessary adjustments.

Regularly reviewing license agreements and terms are crucial to avoid unexpected licensing costs. This helps organizations stay informed about the terms of their licenses and ensure compliance with the usage limitations.

Organizations can also avoid over-licensing or under-licensing software by implementing IBM license management policies and procedures.

Harnessing the Wisdom of IBM License Cost Reduction Experts


Industry experts have several tips for reducing IBM license costs and improving IBM license ROI. One effective strategy is negotiating license agreements with IBM to secure better pricing and favourable terms.

Optimizing virtual environments is another way to reduce costs. By leveraging virtualization technologies, organizations can reduce the number of physical servers required and optimize their software licenses accordingly.

Finally, leveraging bundled licensing options can help organizations get more value from their IBM software licenses. Bundled licensing options combine several software products into one license, providing more flexibility and cost savings. You just have to ensure that the bundle you buy makes sense and that you’re not falling into a trap from an IBM seller.


It’s a Continuous Process, but We’ll Guide You Along the Way


Optimizing IBM licensing costs is a continuous process that requires constant attention, planning, and management. By implementing the tips and tricks we’ve shared in this blog post, you’ll have the necessary tools to reduce your licensing expenses and optimize your software usage, enabling you to gain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving digital marketplace.  

Review your license agreements regularly, leverage IBM’s license optimization tools, and consult industry experts like us for guidance on reducing license costs. With these steps in place, you can maximize the value of your IBM software investments and drive your organization’s success toward high IBM license ROI. 

Along with these steps, you can speak to us today at MetrixData360, and we’ll help you along the process of optimizing your IBM software licensing costs.

Four Secrets of A Champion CIO

Mastering Software Licensing: Insights from Champion CIOs

As a Chief Information Officer (CIO), one of your primary responsibilities is managing and optimizing your organization’s technology. To correctly manage technology includes ensuring you have the correct software licenses to support your business needs while controlling costs. This blog post will examine chief information officer roles, responsibilities, and secrets of champion CIOs who have excelled at software licensing and cost optimization.

Mastering Software Licensing

The first step in optimizing your software licensing costs is clearly understanding your business needs. To know what you need, you must identify the specific software applications and tools required to support your operations and the number of users needing access to these applications. It’s essential to take the time to carefully assess your needs, as having too few licenses can result in productivity bottlenecks while having too many can lead to unnecessary costs.

  • Negotiate favourable terms

Once you clearly understand your software needs, it’s time to start negotiating with vendors. Champion CIOs are skilled at negotiating favourable terms with software vendors, including discounts on licensing fees and additional features or services at no extra cost. The role of a CIO here is to be upfront about your budget and willing to walk away if the vendor is unwilling to meet your needs.


  • Leverage volume licensing agreementsLeverage volume licensing agreements

Volume licensing agreements allow organizations to purchase many licenses at a discounted price. These agreements are typically available for popular software applications such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite and can result in significant cost savings for organizations with many users. Champion chief information officers are adept at leveraging volume licensing (and combing with point 2 – negotiate favourable terms) agreements to get the best deal for their organization.

  • Monitor and review your licenses.

It’s essential to regularly review your software licensing agreements to ensure that you are still meeting your organization’s needs. A best practice is tracking the number of licenses you have in use and identifying areas where you may be over-licensed or under-licensed. The role of a CIO here is to be proactive in monitoring and reviewing their licenses and quickly make changes as needed to optimize costs.

In conclusion, optimizing your software licensing costs requires a combination of careful planning, strong negotiation skills, and ongoing review. By following the secrets of these champion CIOs, you can ensure that you have the correct software licenses to support your business needs while keeping costs under control. So, these are the secrets of four champion CIOs that will help optimize the cost of software licensing in your organization.

Bonus: Leverage data to your advantageBonus: Leverage data to your advantage

In today’s digital age, data is “the new oil” – a valuable resource that helps drive growth and innovation. A champion CIO method here seeks to understand the value of data and use it to advantage regarding software licensing and cost optimization. By collecting and analyzing software deployment and usage metrics data, CIOs can better understand how their software is used and identify areas where they can save costs.

For example, by tracking the number of active users for a particular software application, a CIO may discover they have more licenses than they need. They then use this data to negotiate a reduction in licensing fees with the vendor. Additionally, by analyzing data on software usage patterns, CIOs can identify underutilized applications and decide to discontinue them, reducing costs and simplifying the software environment.

In today’s fast-paced, data-driven world, having access to accurate and actionable data is essential for effective software licensing and cost optimization. A champion chief information officer understands the importance of data and uses it to gain insights that drive better decision-making and cost savings. Collecting, analyzing, and leveraging data can earn a competitive advantage and stay ahead of the curve in software licensing and cost optimization.

In summary, you can optimize software licensing costs in your organization by understanding your needs, negotiating favourable terms, leveraging volume licensing agreements, monitoring and reviewing your licenses, and leveraging data to your advantage. In today’s fast-paced and data-driven world, data is the new oil, and having access to accurate and actionable data is essential for effective software licensing and cost optimization. Using your own data around deployment and software usage metrics will give you the most leverage possible for cost optimization.

For more information on how our services at MetrixData 360 can meet the needs of your technology and financial departments, contact us today. Let’s work with you and your chief information officer’s roles and responsibilities to manage and optimize your organization’s technology.


Microsoft CEO Says, “We’ll Help You Optimize Azure.” Here’s why that won’t work.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently announced that the corporation would support its clients in cost-saving Azure optimization. Many professionals, nevertheless, have doubts about Microsoft’s capacity to fulfill this claim. Let’s examine why Microsoft’s optimization plan is unlikely to yield results and the actions you can take in its alternative to achieve true cost reductions. 


Why Microsoft’s Azure Optimization Strategy Won’t Work

Microsoft will probably recommend using “reserved instances” and “right-sizing” workloads as optimizations. Azure Reserved Instances are a price option that can lower your cloud technology expenses. In exchange for a promise to utilize Azure services for one or three years, it offers savings.

The procedure of rightsizing involves examining the utilization of your workloads. It includes deciding whether or not they are operating effectively given the price you are paying and then taking measures to enhance them by upgrading, downgrading, or terminating the resources as necessary.

However, these measures are not likely to result in significant cost savings. The reason for this is that the vast majority of waste in Azure comes from so-called “zombie resources”—resources that are no longer being used but continue to accrue charges.

Zombie processes significantly harm the business environment by idly using large amounts of raw computational resources. It is typical for a large company with thousands of programs to have many zombie processes, often as many as 20%

Zombie resources can exist for a variety of reasons. Perhaps a project was canceled or put on hold, and the associated resources were never deleted. Or maybe someone created a resource for testing purposes and forgot to delete it after they were done. In other cases, people might create duplicate resources or duplicate resource groups containing the same set of assets. Lastly, sometimes people simply forget they have certain resources deployed and continue paying for them even though they’re not being used.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to get rid of these unused resources as soon as possible so that you don’t continue wasting money on them.


The Truth about Microsoft’s Azure Optimization Strategy

Microsoft isn’t incentivized to help you find and eliminate these zombie resources because doing so would reduce its own revenue. They stand to gain financially if you use more Azure resources. Therefore, it is important to be skeptical of their motives when they recommend “right-sizing” or using “reserved instances.” You can save an average of 30–40% on your Azure spending without right-sizing or reserve instance optimizations.

How to Avoid Zombie Resources in Azure Spending?

There are several methods you can use to identify zombie resources within your Azure environment. 

 On your VMs primarily, alleged “zombie assets” can be active. These are services or parts of the architecture that aren’t required and aren’t being used. Simply put, they are wasting your workspace and wasting your money. Examples include virtual machines (VMs) that were utilized for a specific purpose, left unattended after use, program failures that prevented VM provisioning, inactive network equipment, and more.

These “zombies” can be located by looking for VMs with a max CPU of less than 5% over the preceding period, as this is a widely used indicator of such resources.

Furthermore, disk space is often connected to your software when you deploy a VM. And although you aren’t using the storage devices when the VM is terminated, they are still operational, and you are still obligated to pay for them. Best practices recommend terminating disc storage that has been detached for longer than two weeks, although your company may have different requirements.


Other ways to avoid zombie resources include the following.

  • Check your Azure portal for any deployments that haven’t been used in a while. You can use Azure Resource Manager (ARM) tags to help identify which assets haven’t been used recently.
  • Another method is to export your Azure bill into a format that can be analyzed, such as CSV or JSON. This will allow you to see which services are consuming the most money so that you can investigate further. 
  • You can also set up Azure Monitor Logs to monitor your environment for any deployments that aren’t being used. 


Once you’ve identified which assets are no longer being used, it’s time to delete them and stop paying for them. The first thing you’ll want to do is delete any unnecessary resource groups. Then, go through each resource group and delete any individual resources that aren’t needed. Be sure to check with your team before deleting anything, as some assets might be in use by other people or processes within your organization. Once everything has been deleted, you should see a reduction in your Azure bill.

The best way to efficiently deal with zombie resources is to seek help from experts. An experienced team of Azure experts can help you identify and delete all of the zombie resources in your account while optimizing your overall Azure usage to reduce your costs. With their help, you can get your Azure account cleaned up and running more efficiently in no time.



Microsoft’s recent announcement that it will help customers optimize their Azure usage is unlikely to result in significant cost savings. The reason for this is that most waste in Azure comes from unused “zombie resources,” which Microsoft has no incentive to help you eliminate.  There is an opportunity for savings in Azure, but most people are not taking advantage of it because they don’t know where the waste is. However, there are some steps you can take to optimize your Azure workloads for maximum efficiency. By finding and deleting Zombie Resources, you can make sure that you’re getting the most out of your investment in Azure. If you’re looking for real cost savings on your Azure spending, you’re better off working with a company that specializes in optimizing Azure usage.